Marigolds used as companion plants in a vegetable garden
As we forge ahead on the road of recovery, at some point we’ll realize we’ve had a spiritual awakening. Our lives look different, not because things outside of us have changed, but because we’ve had an inner transformation. Our perception of life and how we relate to it are no longer based on old patterns of behavior. We’ve discovered an inner resource of strength and wisdom independent of the ego. This emotional balance and new level of awareness are sustained by making our spiritual principles and practices a priority. Many of us are filled with gratitude for this shift, and it spills over as generosity. These feelings are what form the foundation for another necessary practice – service. Just as others offered us wisdom and guidance when we struggled, we in turn offer it to those who reach out for help. Service involves benevolent aid given freely without expectations. It permits us to have a first-hand, practical experience with selflessness and pulls us out of our own self-orbit. Our own understanding may deepen as we mentor another person. We may be surprised to find that even if our efforts don’t appear to make a difference in another, they make a difference in us.
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the power to turn a life around.
~ Leo Buscaglia
For more information on service, see this post.
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