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Monday, February 5, 2018

Bypass or Bolster?

Glass squid - image from Oxford Scientific Films

          Ocean animals that live close to the sea floor can blend in with the sand and rocks or hide among the coral. Creatures that live close to the ocean's surface often use bioluminescence to produce displays of light; they trick predators into thinking what they see is dappled sunlight. But those who live in the middle - the pelagic zone - don't have these options. Yet some of these ocean creatures have a unique way of blending into their surroundings by being almost completely transparent. For instance, the glass squid lives between 200 to 1000 meters below sea level and is nearly completely see-through. These squids and other transparent ocean creatures have the ability to hide in plain sight.
          Like the glass squid, we all have periods when we'd prefer to hide from life rather than deal with it. Most of us used our addiction to change the way we felt or avoid what was happening around us. Prayer and meditation can aid us in developing spiritual maturity, allowing us to embrace life rather than run from it. But because humans have strong preferences for keeping things pleasant and comfortable, we might attempt to use these tools to bypass what is unpleasant and painful. Our prayers may focus on getting what we desire and evading what we fear. We could attempt to use meditation to transcend what unsettles us, hoping to stay in a permanent state of bliss. Rather than help us cultivate clarity, wisdom, compassion, and altruism, these tactics simply enable us to become more self-absorbed. Yet when we cease expecting a pay-out from prayer and meditation, we discover a way to live fully and serenely. We develop a clearer perspective of reality that opens rather than armors our heart and mind. 

For more information on prayer and meditation, see this post.

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